
Personal Training

- "Christine provided me with a personalised training plan. Whilst it was tough she managed to make the exercises enjoyable yet effective. The impact was almost immediate. I have more energy and feel in great shape. The best part is I'm enjoying the workouts which I never did when going to the gym. I had an image that a personal trainer would be intimidating but Christine is really encouraging and a great way of driving you on to do more. I spent a lot of time in the past going to gyms but with no real improvement. In a few weeks with Christine the results were noticeable. The workouts are mixed with running and change as you progress which means you never get bored with the workouts and moving on to next levels provides a real target to push yourself on", Keith.

-"For my entire life I have started get fit quick schemes which i would give up two weeks later. I didn't have the motivation to exercise on my own, and I hated going to group exercise classes as i was always the most unfit and found it difficult to keep up with the class. For this reason finding Christine has been life-changing! Christine works on a one-to-one basis at my level, she pushes me hard for results, but encourages me and helps me keep positive all the way. Her sense of humour brings fun into every session, but she means business! I can see huge improvements in my flexibility and fitness levels, and would highly recommend Christine to anyone who wants to improve theirs", Mairead.

Circuit class

-"Having had 3 children, I wondered whether I would ever be able to reclaim some of my pre-baby curves. having worked with Christine over the last 4 years, I cannot believe how much I have achieved. Not only has my fitness improved but now I have the drive to keep going", Janice.